1. is all done
2. is done
3. Dakota's new quilt (made need to finish) pillow case also
4. Kalynns (made need to finish0 pillow case also
5. Josh made need to finish) pillow case also
6. Table runner for mother made and make another
7. Trista's quilt from dawa has borders pillow case done
8. Tatianna's quilt from dawa pillow case also
9. Savanna's quilt from Dawa pillow case also
10 Amaya's quilt $ pillow case which is done
11. Connors & pillow case that is done
12 sam's& pillow case that is done
then if I can Heath and Tiffany one that is about it went to friend darlene's to sew on sat!!
still need to put second coat on kitchen walls.
well things have been exciting here heath and tiffany are pregnant that is good, but on the bad note heath flipped out this week end and got violent here I had to kick him out, i am having a hard time dealing with this, but i can not take the violence. I love him but can no longer take it. but life goes on .