Hi here is the mystery quilt Weekend Whatever #22 I finally finished the top today!!!! now to work on the Carolina crossroads next it is almost done also
Hi yesterday was my birthday!! My daughter and son and his wife took me out to supper!! it was a total surprise and was fun thank u guys!! heath could not make it maybe another time. Mavie
Monday, April 21, 2008
This is Savanna she is a cutie pie!!
!st picture is some of my 4 patches for Orange Crush, @nd is a clue from Carolina Crossroads (now on to putting blocks together) 3rd is Dakota loving her swinging, 4th is A dress for a black and white formal for Jasmine my daughter, And next is Connor and Olivia and Dakota outside while we where walking, and then Savanna she is a cutie to, she is 15 months the other two girls are 11 months and 1 year and they all wear the same size!!! mavie
Hi this weekend has been warm and beautiful we got some yard work done, still a little bit of snow in places, Well i did the formal dress for Jasmine for a black and white thing for next week, boy was it a pain to do, finally got the lining and shoulders in right!! only took all day sat!! will post a pic sometime this week when i get one taken. Today I spent putting the blocks together for the Weekend whatever #22 have 1 row left to put together then put on the sashings!! Then I want to finish the Carolina crossroads, and do the next step on claudia's BOM and another NMRR and step 2 on the orange crush!! so much to do so little time!!
Hi I did't get alot done this weekend suffering flu effects this morning yesterday spent morning in hospital with a friend, I did get 1 mystery done 441 by quiltsbykos, got the 150 4 patches for orange crush and have step 6 to do on carolina crossroads and putting blocks together on weekend whatever #22. mavie
I am married for 13 years but have been together 22 years, I have 4 kids 3 natural and a foster daughter,(all think they are grown up) I have 9 grandkids, i watch 4 Have been sewing since i was little started quilting about 6 years ago.